4 important measures to take before starting your new construction

4 important measures to take before starting your new construction
No one wants to face problems which can come up with new construction, be it poor foundation or direction of the building. To ensure that such issues are averted, we are listing four effective measures given by experienced builders.

Visit and observe construction site  It is the most important measure you can take prior to commencing with your new construction. Checking whether the site management is poor, the timber left in rain has started to decay or there is any sign of mismanagement/poor help in taking care of undesirable issues from coming up in future.

Frequent monitoring of your site lets you know of any irregularities or shortcomings to be fixed later.

Walk-throughs should be done in three sets as mentioned below: 
  • After marking and looking over the home. This helps in ensuring that the arrangement of the house is appropriate.
  • After the completion of framing. This time is best to check if any issues are there inside the walls as the mechanical establishment is in progress during this phase.
  • After going through all the important details with your constructor, you must take the final walk-through.

    Make a check list (punch list) and be focused on it It’s very important that you point out and discuss all the necessary details with your builder. Make him walk you through the construction site so that you can check your constructed house for any flaws or irregularities. These issues need to be resolved before you finally move in. Point out any deformities you found after inspecting the house; it’s your responsibility after all. Make a check list/punch list of those issues which need to be resolved. Builders can’t fix the issues they are not aware of, so inform them. Ensure that you are careful with you observations so that you can point out maximum number of flaws that can be fixed before moving in.

    Familiarity with your warranty and its utilization is important Commonly supported by the builders, it is mandatory to give warranties for new homes in most of the states. For resolving idle issues due to errors or poor work, the best approach is to claim on your policy. Before the expiry of your warranty, make sure that you hire a professional home inspector to inspect your home in the eleventh month. This way any issue that shows up after a long time can be detected and then the warranty claim can be used to get that sorted out before its expiry. See whether your builder is giving you warranty claim or not. If not, then make sure that he provides you the warranty claim for sure. Pay special attention to this aspect also.

    Be flexible when it comes to time  No matter how anxious or eager one may feel about moving in the reality is that construction has its own pace of progress and it’s time for completion cannot be assessed accurately. The completion time may not match the period assessed by your builder. In such a scenario, patience and understanding is the right way.

    Many conditions can affect the progress of your construction, e.g. unforeseen establishment issues or hostile weather conditions. Many things can turn out unfavorable for the progress of your house’s construction. Constructing a house is not an easy task; therefore many things must be factored in at the beginning.

    With security of an agreement and a flexible mind-set with regards to timeframe of construction, you can ensure better construction work with timely correction of errors. This way you will be more satisfied and happy when you move into your newly built home.


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