
Being around nature can be a powerful way to decompress and enhance your overall well-being. Your physical and mental health can benefit greatly from the fresh air of an eco-friendly garden. Such a garden can compensate for a lack of time in nature, especially for those who live in cities.
As a whole, people are well aware of the role that plants play in the mitigation of environmental issues. If each of us can make a small contribution by creating an eco-friendly garden near our homes, we can make a substantial contribution toward bettering our planet’s environment. Let’s get started:
Sustainable materials are very important
Be it fencing or furniture made of timber, make sure that the materials you use are sustainably sourced. Another smart garden enhancement is “decking it up”; again, using installations made of long lasting sustainable materials is advisable. Adopting such preferences in your buying habits will go a long way in maintaining an eco-friendly garden.
Use your garden to grow your own food items
When you grow plants that produce vegetables and fruits, your carbon footprint is reduced, as you avoid burning gas for trips to the grocery store. Along with cutting down on your carbon footprint, it is a gratifying experience to see your seeds grow into food producing plants. And no one doubts the health benefits of fresh food!
Grow bee attracting plants
As the crucial vectors of plant pollination, especially flowers and crop bearing plants, bees are an indispensable part of our fragile ecosystem. Their dwindling population or extinction can spell doom for us. So let us all play our part in helping them thrive, by growing bee friendly plants.
Pick compost over chemical fertilizers
We know using chemicals is bad for the environment, as well as our personal health. To reduce their impact on us, we must reduce their use as much as possible. Why not apply the same principle in gardening? Let’s protect ourselves and other living beings by cultivating gardens in which compost is used, instead of chemical fertilizers. Compost use not only results in healthy and strong plants, but greatly reduces organic waste coming from our kitchens.