Minority homeownership can grow with implementation of new programs

Minority homeownership can grow with implementation of new programs
Many Black (minority) home buyers whose homeownership lags behind other groups will have a higher opportunity for closing a sale with help of programs rolled out by several banks now. These programs are viewed as endeavors to make up for damage caused by banks to housing industry which led to great recession more than a decade ago.

In underserved communities the banks offered long-drawn-out inexpensive housing opportunities. For example, funds in closing-cost credits, low-interest loans and down payment assistance. For addressing the racial gap in United States, $30 billion was pledged by JPMorgan Chase. They have a 5 year plan for offering funds for philanthropy, investments and loans. Majority of that fund will flow towards housing. Latino and Black home buyers will get a share of $8 billion for financing forty thousand mortgages. To help Latino and Black homebuyers (20,000approximately) with lessening their monthly mortgage payments the refinancing fund of 44 billion will be offered. The main aim seems to be of tackling economic inequality of minority groups. The ongoing programs of Bank of America and Fargo aiming to expand minority home ownership have broadened their programs further.

If we go by Census Bureau data, the homeownership among Black families has lessened, whereas the Latinos, Whites and Asian Americans are gaining on homeownership front since the great recession 12 years ago. The economic inequality suffered by minority homeowners can only be tackled by bringing structural reforms, mere pledges by banks won’t suffice.

Issues of bias in industry can be mitigated if we encourage people of minority communities like Latinos or blacks to choose a career in banking sector e.g., as underwriters, appraisers or loan officers.


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