Problems in a Living Room That Might Not Be Noticeable on Video

Problems in a Living Room That Might Not Be Noticeable on Video
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, virtual transactions, meetings and showings have become common practice. This new way of doing business has its challenges. One such challenge is the inability to see problem areas in a video tour. Below we list and explain some of the potential problems in a living room.

Height of ceiling Ceiling height is a matter of preference. Whether a ceiling is high or low, it has its own benefits; a high ceiling gives a feeling of grandeur and spaciousness, whereas a low ceiling feels cozier. Regulating the temperature with a high ceiling takes more energy and time. Ensure that you get the correct ceiling height from your agent, so you can decide if it fits your preferred design. Make sure to pay attention to the details of the ceiling, while on the video tour. It’s best to catch any potential issues earlier than later.

Fireplace In the living room, a fireplace holds a key position of significance; it connects with you, as a part of the room that gives charm and warmth. A non-working fireplace will be a big turn-off and disappointment for you. Ensure that you pay close attention to the mantel and structure of the fireplace, when the camera zooms on it during a video tour. Make the necessary inquiries about the fireplace through your agent. Lighting Instead of giving the lighting system a passing glance on a video tour, check it more keenly. For an older home, pay more attention to the lighting system; it may need an upgrade, as lighting is often outdated in older homes. In some older homes, upgrades that you might want to make could exceed your stipulated budget; there you can take the necessary course of action during the negotiation process.

Door and windows Window sizes, shapes, number, etc. must be noted well during a video tour. Having natural light in a living room is always desirable—a feature sought after by almost every interested home buyer—but the number of windows can affect furniture placement. Make sure that any doors to the living room open outward, not inward; inward opening doors decrease the floor space.


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