Selling Your Home? Think Like a Home Buyer

Selling Your Home? Think Like a Home Buyer
You may be ready to sell your home, with help of a good REALTOR®; but thinking like a home buyer will take your game up a notch. Understanding your buyer must occupy a spot in the list of your priorities. This paradigm shift will take your attention to important details that you otherwise may not notice. Let’s enumerate some key advantages of thinking like a home buyer.

Your observation becomes objective With a buyer’s point of view, you can see your home more objectively, which will help you notice positives and negatives without prejudice. With this you are in a better position to fix the negatives and improve your home’s value. List the desirable qualities that can make your home more salable, and then start working on them.

You decorate your home neutrally for others When looking to sell your home, remove decorative items with sentimental or personal value; replace them with items that are subtle, neutral and in harmony with your home’s décor. You can either do it yourself or take assistance from a professional home stager. Make your home move-in friendly for better salability; decorate it with a buyer’s point of view. Make your home spacious and bright. If in doubt, get feedback from a third party.

You work on upgrades and repairs When you see your home from the perspective of a home buyer, you notice the areas that need upgrading and fixing. Once you know the “what and where” of your home improvements, you can go ahead and start working on them.

You have the best open house When you think like a home buyer, you realize that having the best possible open house will interest more prospective buyers. Your REALTOR will help attract a large turnout of interested buyers. Through a sizeable turnout of interested prospective buyers and neighbors, your open house will feel lively and bustling. Ensure that your open house is scheduled when people are free to come in larger numbers; an early afternoon on a weekend is ideal. Be flexible with dates, in case there is a need to reschedule.

A simple shift in paradigm or point of view can make a world of difference, when it comes to successful preparation for home selling. Think like a home buyer and get a better deal for yourself!


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