Terraces Used in Office Buildings for More Outdoor Space

Terraces Used in Office Buildings for More Outdoor Space
It’s becoming increasingly common for office and business buildings/centers to offer additional outdoor spaces for employees to rest or work, or to socialize with one other. You can’t go to work without having access to one of these spaces since the pandemic.

Architect Dan Kaplan told the Commercial Observer that his business has been active in office space and building design for 40 years. There has also been an increase in demand for outside office space over the past 10 to 12 years; and due to pandemic, that demand has increased.

The need for more green and outdoor space in office buildings —whether they are new or old—has risen.

Michael Slattery, associate CBRE field research director, said to the Commercial Observer, “This is a location where all owners and landlords are seeking to distinguish themselves.”

A spiral of outdoor decks runs the length of The Spiral, a 1,005-foot-high skyscraper in Manhattan. Each of the 65 floors has its own terrace.

The Commercial Observer quotes Jeffrey Paine from Duda/Paine Architects of Durham, North Carolina. He stated, “Many people, including those who work in high-rise office buildings, prefer the option of stepping outside during the day.”

Outdoor heaters installed in office buildings help with cold weather conditions. Following a push to bring more “green” into the home, there is also a growing trend in offices to incorporate biophilic features, such as indoor plants.

“When attempting to recruit and retain fresh talent, people have come to recognize that having the option to walk outdoors and combine it with interior space is really a great benefit,” said Elliott Ingerman, partner at Tribeca Investment Group, to the Commercial Observer. When working 10 to 12 hours a day, periodically spending a few minutes on the balcony provides a much needed productivity boost. People must feel willing to return to their workplaces after the pandemic, and a dull work atmosphere is a no-no. That's why smartly designed, spacious office buildings are desirable.


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